I moved studios this week


I moved studios this week. Suffice to say, or rather as you can see, Steve, Danny and I moved many more objects down the three flights of stairs, and then back up one flight of stairs, than I’ve managed so far, to include in the inventory of line drawings. In the spirit of this, here are a few inventory notes from the middle days.

#1 An inventory of the things that I thought my brother Steve would complain about taking from the studio, but didn’t
Dead plant
6ft bundles of willow
Two anvils
Car tyre wrapped in purple velvet

#2 An Inventory of the things that looked ridiculous outside the flat
Broken chair
Collapsed table
Car tyre wrapped in purple velvet

#3 An Inventory with an added layer of introspection
Mount Cutter
Empty Kettle Box
Evening Standard

#4 An inventory as a haiku poem
A Torn fishing Net
Unravelled ball of yarn, and
dead bees. A Racquet

#5 An inventory of the last things that I will take from my studio next week
(otherwise known as the inventory pathetique)
A roll of drawings and posters
A stereo with masking tape around the base of the aerial
A chair
A plastic crate with 2 cups, 1 spoon, a kettle and a pot of pencils and pens